sei in Bibliografia / Tutela giurisdizionale / International
[2014] [2012] [2009] [2008
Autore Titolo Note
OTTO, Sven-Joachim The Starting Point of Limitation Periods for Remedies in Public Procurement Procedures [Annotation on the Judgments of the European Court of Justice of 28 January 2014 in Case C-161/13, Idrodinamica Spurgo Velox and Others v Acquedotto Pugliese SpA] in European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, 3, 2014, 209-214
DE KONINCK Constant Belgium: Pre- and Post Contractual Remedies in European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, 1, 2014, 77-83
DI VITA, Giuseppe Normative complexity and the length of administrative disputes: evidence from Italian regions European Journal of Law and Economics, 2012, 1, 197-213
MICKLIZT Hans-W, DE WITTE Bruno (edited by) The European Court of Justice and the Autonomy of the Member States Cambridge, 2012
ELIANTONIO, Mariolina The Future of National Procedural Law in Europe: Harmonisation vs Judge-Made Standards in the Field of Administrative Justice in Electronic Journal of Comparative Law, 2009, 3, 13
ELIANTONIO, Mariolina Europeanisation of Administrative Justice? The influence of the ECJ’s case law in Italy, Germany and England 2008, Groningen, Europa Law Publishing
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a cura di prof. Gian Antonio Benacchio e dott. Michele Cozzio