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Autore Titolo Note
GIMENO FELIU, Jose Maria El nuevo paquete legislativo comunitario sobre contratación pùblica. De la burocracia a la estrategia 2014, Editorial Aranzadi, Cizur Menor,
Didier BATSELE', Tony MORTIER, Alex YERNA Réussir ses marchés publics 2015, Larcier, Bruxelles
Francois LICHERE, Roberto CARANTA, Steen TREUMER (a cura di) Modernising Public Procurement: the new Directive Copenaghen, Djøf Forlag, 2014
ANDRECKA, Marta Institutionalised Public-Private Partnership as a Mixed Contract under the Regime of the New Directive 2014/24/EU in European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, 3, 2014, 174-186
HAUSMANN Friedrich, BEAUJEAN Sven No “Automatic” Similar Control over Private Social Solidarity Institutions in In-house Cases [Annotation on the Judgment of the Court of Justice of 19 June 2014 in Case C-574/12, Centro Hospitalar de Setúbal EPE (CHS) and Serviço de Utilização Comum dos Hospitais (SUCH) v Eurest] in European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, 3, 2014, 215-218
Michiel A. HELDEWEG, Maurits Ph.Th. SANDERS Towards a Design Framework for Legitimate Public Private Partnerships in European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, 3, 2014, 187-201
PODHRAŠKI, Dejan Real Options in Public-Private Partnerships in European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, 3, 2014, 163-173
BERNAL BLAY, Miguel Ángel The Strategic Use of Public Procurement in Support of Innovation in European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, 1, 2014, 3-11
NICOLAIDES Phedon, SCHONENMAEKERS Sarah Public Procurement, Public Private Partnerships and State Aid Rules: A Symbiotic Relationship in European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, 1, 2014, 50-69
BURGI Martin, BRANDMEIER Benedikt Quality as an Interacting Award Criterion under Current and Future EU-Law in European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, 1, 2014, 12-26
DE BRAEKELEER Frans, DE BRAEKELEER Karen Public Investments through Public Corporations: ESA95-ESA10 Pitfalls in European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, 1, 2014, 36-49
USAI Andrea A Professional Association as a “Body Governed by Public Law” within the Meaning of Directive 2004/18/EC (Judgment of the Court of Justice of 12 September 2013 in Case C-526/11) in European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, 1, 2014, 70-76
ROLFSTAM, Max Public Procurement And Innovation. The Role of Institutions Edward Elgar Publishing, UK, 2013
QUINOT Geo, ARROWSMIT Sue (eds.) Public Procurement Regulation in Africa Cambridge University Press, 2013
CARANTA Roberto, DRAGOS Dacian (eds.) Outside the EU Procurement Directives - Inside the Treaty? Djoef Publishing, 2012, pp. 424
TORRICELLI, Simone Il contenzioso sugli appalti pubblici sotto la spinta del diritto europeo. Tradizione e discontinuità nel modello di tutela offerto dal giudice amministrativo in The International Journal of Public Contracts, 1, 2013
COSTA GONÇALVES, Pedro Alterações ao código dos contratos públicos na sequência do «memorando de entendimento com a troika in Revisat de Contratos Publicos, Coimbra, 5, 2012
OCDE Estudio sobre la contratación pública. Aumentar la efi ciencia e integridad para una mejor asistencia médica 2012, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, OECD Publishing, on line
BOVIS H., Christopher Regulatory Trends in Public Procurement at the EU Level EPPPL,4, 2012, pp. 221-227
BONONAD GRAU Juan V., CASTET-BELLOCQ Marta Costero, HERVAS MAS Jorge La contratación de las administraciones públicas ajustada a la ley de contratos del sector público 2012, Civitas
ARROWSMITH Sue, TREUMER Steen (eds.) Competitive Dialogue in EU Procurement Cambridge University Press, 2012
RISVIG HANSEN Carina, TVARNØ Christina, ØLYKKE G. Skovgaard ( EU Public Procurement. Modernisation, Growth and Innovation. Discussions on the 2011 Proposals for Public Procurement Directives Djøf Publishing, 2012
NOGUELLOU Rozen, STELKEN Ulrich (ed.) Droit comparé des Contrats Publics - Comparative Law on Public Contracts Bruylant, 2010
DÍEZ SASTRE, Silvia La tutela de los licitadores en la adjudicación de contratos públicos ed. Marcial Pons, 2012
TREUMER Steen, CARANTA Roberto Enforcement of the EU Public Procurement Rules 2011, Publisher Djøf, Copenhagen, European Procurement Law Series
CREMONA, Marise (edited by) Market Integration and Public Services in the European Union Oxford, 2011
AA. VV. Le procedure degli appalti pubblici in Europa - Le contentieux des contrats publics en Europe in Revue Francaise de Droit Asministratif, Dossier, 1, 2011
Comisión Nacional de la Competencia Guía sobre Contratación Pública y Competencia 2011, testo disponibile sul sito web
SÀNCHEZ GRAELLS, Albert Public Procurement and the EU Competition Rules Hart Publishing, 2011
DORREGO de CARLOS Alberto, MARTINEZ VAZQUEZ Francisco, VILLARINO MARZO Jorge La colaboración público-privada en la Ley de Contratos del Sector Público : aspectos administrativos y financieros / directores 2009, Las Rozas (Madrid), La Ley
AA. VV. Public-private partnerships: delivering for the European transport network Luxembourg: European Communities, 2009
OMC-PTP Public Procurement as a Strategic Innovation Policy Mix Instrument 2009, on the web site
MORENO MOLINA, José Antonio La nueva ley española de contratos del sector publico In Riv. It. Dir. Pubbl. Com., 2008, 5, 1123 e ss.
ELSNER, Bernt BVergG 2006. Das neue Vergaberecht 2006 idF der BVergG-Novelle 2007 [Commentario breve alla legge austriaca] Manz, Wien, 2008
BOVIS, Christopher EU public procurement law Elgar, 2007
GOLLES, Hans Zusätzliche Bauleistungen - aus vergabe- und bauvertragsrechtlicher Sicht ZVB 2007/20
I-38122 TRENTO - Via G. Verdi, 53 - tel. +39-0461-283509 - e-mail.
a cura di prof. Gian Antonio Benacchio e dott. Michele Cozzio